

今日、私たちは皆、有名なAtlassianバージョン管理製品であるSourcetreeを使用することを好みます。 SourceTreeのシンプルなインターフェースを介して、ホストされているかローカルかを問わず、すべてのリポジトリを管理するのに役立ちます。

Lately many of us have been experiencing an issue: “the remote end hung up unexpectedly”. I have a solution for this issue.

In the process of committing your changes using source tree , if you encounter the above error, do the following.

First, confirm what caused this issue: look for “POST git-receive-pack” in the error message.

If it says “chunked” that means your data exceed the data limit to transfer into bit bucket. You need to increase the “Post.Buffer” limit of git to transfer greater amount of data.

For increasing the “Post.Buffer” limit of git :

If you don’t have it, install git bash using the following link : Git Bash.

Open git bash and type following command “git config –global http.postBuffer 524288000″


This will increase your data transfer limit and you will now be able to commit your all your changes.
